Commercial Pilot License
What are the eligibility required to get CPL?
For the eligibility part, you need to have Physics and Maths so the Science stream is preferred and if you are not from the science stream then you can appear for Maths or Physics from the regular university or from National Institute of Open University (NIOS). Once you have cleared these exams, then you will be eligible to pursue CPL.
What is DGCA medical exam?
A class 2 medical is the preliminary medical license required by all aspiring pilots to get their PPL(Private Pilot’s License) issued. The class 2 medical license is mandated before anyone applies for a class 1 medical license. Only if someone clears the tests mentioned under the class 2 medical examination, he/she can apply for a class 1 medical examination. It is mandated by DGCA Medical that the laboratory tests are carried out only at NABH or NABL accredited laboratories. The laboratory tests consist of a blood test, urine(RE/ME) test, ECG, Pure tone Audiometry, USG for the lower abdomen and a complete chest X-Ray
How long does it take to become a Commercial Pilot?
When it comes to getting your pilot license and commercial airline certifications, it can take years or as little as 14 months depending on the type of certifications you seek and the flight school program you select.
Am i too old to start Commercial Pilot Training?
If you are under 65 years old then no you are too old to become a commercial pilot, but the older you start your training, the more limited your employment options may be and the less money you can expect in return over the course of your career.
Cabin Crew
What are the eligibility required to become a Cabin Crew?
The eligibility criteria for Cabin Crew are as follow:
– 10+2 HSC from a recognized university.
– No visible scars and tattoos.
– Height Required: Female- 155cms Male – 165cms
– Weight should be as per BMI
Is it necessary to join class for Cabin Crew?
Yes, it is always good to take classes before you go for your cabin crew interview. There are lots of requirements to crack the airline cabin crew interview which is not known to any normal person, that is where a classes comes into a limelight that helps you to get the complete knowledge about Cabin Crew Basics and interview.
Is English fluency required for Cabin Crew?
Yes, it is required to have fluency in English. But if you don’t have, do not worry about that. We will train you for the same.
Am i too old to become a Cabin Crew?
The age required for a fresher to become a cabin crew is between 18-27 Years, but there are few airlines which has an age limit of up to 32 Years for freshers.
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