Course curriculum
1. Earth’s Atmosphere
1. Introduction of Meteorology
2. Introduction
3. Gases in the Earths Atmosphere
4. Characteristics of Earths Atmosphere
5. Troposphere
6. Troposphere
7. Tropopause
8. Tropopause
9. Stratosphere & Stratopause
10. Upper Atmospheric Hazards
11. Temperature Graph With Height
12. Mesosphere
13. Thermosphere
14. ISA & JSA
15. Conversions – Formulae – ISA Deviation
16. Question No. 1 to 2
17. Question No. 3 to 12
19. Question No. 21 to 25
18. Question No. 13 to 20
20. Question No. 26 to 37
Additional Questions - Earth's Atmosphere
1. QnA (Q1 to Q9)
2. QnA (Q10)
3. QnA (Q11 to Q20)
4. QnA (Q21 to Q30).
5. QnA (Q31 to Q39)
6. QnA (Q40 to Q45)
1. QnA (Q1 to Q7).
2. QnA (Q8 to Q14)
3. QnA (Q15 to Q21)
4. QnA (Q22 to Q24)
5. ISA QnA (Qa to Qd)
6. ISA QnA (Qe to Qh)
Test 1 : Earth’s Atmosphere
Earth’s Atmosphere- I
Earth’s Atmosphere- II
2. Heat & Temperature
1. Introduction
2. Temperature & it’s measurement
3. Atmospheric Heating
5. Terrestrial Radiation
6. Green House Effect
7. Conduction
8. Convection and Advection
9. Condensation
10. Types of Heat and Turbulence
11. Factors affecting Surface Heating
12. Diurnal Variation of Temperature
13. Effect of Clouds on DV
14. Effect of Wind on DV, DV Over Sea
15. Temperature Variation with Height
16. Questions No. 1 to 18
Additional Questions - Heat & Temperature
1. QnA (Q1 to Q10)
2. QnA (Q11 to Q20)
3. QnA (Q21 to Q25)
4. QnA (Q26 to Q34)
5. QnA (Q35 to Q39)
1. QnA (Q1 to Q6)
2. QnA (Q7 to Q11)
3. QnA (Q12 to Q15)
Test 2 : Heat & Temperature
Quiz- Heat & Temperature-I
Quiz- Heat & Temperature-II
3. Pressure
1. Introduction
2. Measurement of Pressure
3. Variation of Pressure on Earths surface
4. Static pressure and Dynamic pressure
5. Q Codes
6. Pressure Lapse Rate with Height
7. Horizontal variation of pressure
8. Vertical Pressure Variation
9. Warm and Cold pressure lapses rates
10. Terminologies
11. Comparison of QNH and QFF
12. Question No. 1 to 12
13. Question No. 13 to 18
14. Question No. 19 to 35
Additional Question - Pressure
1. QnA (Q1 to Q8)
2. QnA (Q9 to Q15).
4. Humidity
1. Introduction
2. Change of state of substance
3. Condensation and Freezing
4. Water cycle
5. Definitions- Absolute Humidity, HMR, SMR
6. Definitions- Specific Humidity, Relative Humidity
7. Diurnal Variation of RH
8. Dew Point
9. Dry bulb and Wet bulb temperature
10. Question No. 1 to 10
11. Question No. 11 to 18
12. Question No. 19 to 33
Additional Que. - Humidity
1. QnA (Q1 to Q7).
2. QnA (Q8 to Q13)
3. QnA (Q14 & Q15)
Test 3 : Humidity
Quiz – Humidity
5. Pressure systems
1. Introduction
2. Small scale low formation
3. Small scale Low properties- Turbulence and Precipitation
4. Low Pressure area terminologies
5. Small scale low properties- Icing and Visibility
6. Secondary Low and Trough of Low
7. Globe Pressure Distribution model
8. Formation of Polar Front depressions
9. Warm front
10. Cold front
11. Tropical Revolving Storm TRS- Causes
12. TRS- Formation and-movement
13. TRS- Formation and -movement
14. High pressure area or Anticyclone
15. Types of Anticyclones
16. Ridge of high pressure
17. COL
18. Question No. 1 to 10
19. Question No. 11 to 16
20. Question No. 17 to 25
21. Question No. 26 to 40
22. Question No. 41 to 55
Additional Questions - Pressure systems
1. QnA (Q1 to Q6)
2. QnA (Q7 to Q11)
New Additional Q – 1. QnA (Q1 to Q5)
2. QnA (Q6 to Q10)
3. QnA (Q11 to Q15)
4. QnA (Q16, Q17, Q25 & Q26)
5. QnA (Q18 to 24)
6. Altimetry
1. Introduction
2. ISA Atmosphere
3. Pressure lapse rate and factors affecting density of air
4. Sub Scale setting
5. QFE – Aerodrome Pressure
6. QNH – Mean Sea Level Pressure
7. Rate of fall of pressure in warm and cold air mass
8. QNE -Standard Pressure Setting
9. Transition altitude, Transition Level and transition layer
10. Density Altitude
11. Density Altitude Formula
12. Corrected Pressure Altitude or True Altitude
13. Errors of altimeter – barometric error – QNH, QFE, QNE Formula
14. Barometric error – H – L – H
15. Barometric error L -H -L
16. Drift associated with HLH & LHL in NH & SH & QFF
17. Temperature Error
18. Questions
19. Questions
20. Questions
21. Questions
22. Questions
23. Questions
24. Questions
25. Questions
Test 4 : Pressure
Quiz – Pressure System I
Pressure System II
7. Adiabatics and Stability
1. Introduction
2. Adiabatic Cooling & Adiabatic Warming
3. Stability & Instability
6. ELR
7. Absolute Stability
8. Absolute Instabilty
9. Conditional Stability & Conditional Instability
10. Neutral Stability
11. Dew Point Lapse Rate & Freezing Level
12. Question No. 1 to 10
13. Question No. 11 to 23
Additional Questions - Adiabatics and Stability
1. QnA (Q1 to Q10)
2. QnA (Q11 to Q20).
New Additional – 1. QnA (Q1 to Q4).
2. QnA (Q6 and Q7)
3. QnA (Q8 to Q14)
4. QnA (Q15 to Q17)
8. Density
1. Introduction
2. Factors affecting Density
3. Factors affecting Density
4. Density Altitude
5. Miscellaneous
6. Question No. 1 to 4
7. Question No. 5 to 15
Additional Question- Density
1. QnA (Q1 to Q6)
Test 5 : Stability & Density
Quiz – Stability & Density – I
9. Winds (Local Winds and weather)
1. Introduction
2. W-V Depiction and Measurement
3. Veering & Backing
4. Gust, Squall, Gale and Buys Ballots law
5. Types of wind
6. Coriolis force
7. Geostrophic wind
8. Friction layer
9. Thermal Wind
10. Gradient Wind
11. Cyclostrophic wind
12. Winds within Friction layer
13. Sea Breeze
14. Land breeze
15. Katabatic Wind
16. Anabatic Wind
17. Foehn Wind
18. Question No. 1 to 9
19. Question No. 10 to 20
20. Question No. 21 to 31
21. Question No. 32 to 59
22. Question No. 60 to 80
10. Upper winds
1. Introduction
2. Upper wind in NH
3. Upper Wind in SH
4. Contour and Thickness charts
5. Miscellaneous
6. Tropical easterly Jet- TEJ
7. Types of Jet Streams- Arctic Jet stream
8. Polar front Jet stream
9. Sub-tropical Jet stream- STJ
10. TEJ- Tropical Easterly Jet stream
11. Characteristics of Jet streams
12. Question No. 1 to 12
13. Question No. 13 to 18
14. Question No. 19 to 35
15. Question No. 36 to 48
Video Solution -Q. No. 6
Test 6 : Wind
Quiz – Winds
11. Clouds and Precipitation
1. Introduction
2. Cloud Amount
3. Measurement of Cloud Base
4. Condensation Level
5. Lifting Mechanism for Cloud Formation – Turbulence and Orographic Effect
6. Lifting Mechanism for Cloud Formation
7. Effect of Inversion on Cloud Formation
8. Classification of Clouds
9. Characteristics of High, Medium and Low Clouds
10. Characteristic of Cumulus and Stratus clouds
11. High Clouds – Ci, Cs, Cc
12. Medium Clouds- AC and AS
13. Low Clouds – ST, SC, NS
14. Nacreous and Noctilucent Clouds
15. Precipitation Theory
16. Question No. 1 to 13
17. Question No. 14 to 26
18. Question No. 27 to 56
Additional Que. - Clouds and Precipitation
1. QnA (Q1 to Q7)
2. QnA (Q8 to Q12)
Test 7 : Clouds
Quiz- Clouds
12. Icing
1. Introduction
2. Supercooled Water droplets SCWD
3. Effects of Icing
4. Effects of Icing
5. Types of Icing
6. Hoar Frost
7. Rime ice or Opaque ice
8. Clear ice or Glazed ice or Translucent ice
9. Rain ice
10. Temperature ranges for Airframe Icing
11. Engine icing- Piston engines
12. Engine icing- Jet engine
13. Factors affecting Severity of Icing
14. Question No. 1 to 8
15. Question No. 9 to 16
16. Question No. 17 to 27
17. Question No. 28 to 38
18. Question No. 39 to 50
Test 8 : Icing
Test – 7 Icing
13. Thunderstorm
1. Introduction
2. Causes of Formation & Types of Thunderstorms
3. Trigger action
4. Life cycle of CB Formation or Cumulus Stage
5. Mature stage
6. Mature stage
7. Dissipating Stage
8. Aviation hazards due to CB – Turbulence, Hail, Icing
9. Aviation hazards due to CB Lighting
10. Aviation hazards due to CB – STATIC, Squalls, Pressure Variation
11. Aviation hazards due to CB Microburst & Water ingestion
12. Aviation hazards due to CB Tornadoes & Heavy Showers
13. Thunderstorm Avoidance
14. Types of Precipitation
15. Question No. 1 to 6
16. Question No. 7 to 12
17. Question No. 13 to 23
18. Question No. 24 to 32
19. Question No. 33 to 38
20. Question No. 39 to 62
Additional Que. - Thunderstorm
1. QnA (Q1 to Q5)
2. QnA (Q6 to Q10)
3. QnA (Q11 to Q15)
Test 9 : Thunderstorm
Quiz- Thunderstorm
1. Introduction to Windshear
2. Microburst.
3. Windshear Encounter during Approach.
4. Indications and Actions to perform in case of Windshear.
5. Effects of Windshear.
6. QnA Part-1 (Q1 to Q10)
7. QnA Part-2 (Q11 to Q17)
14. Visibility and Fog
1. Introduction
2. Visibility Obscuring Phenomena
3. Types of Fog – Radiation Fog
4. Hill Fog
5. Advection Fog
6. Steaming Fog or Arctic Smoke
7. Frontal Fog
8. Visibility in Different Weather Phenomena
9. Runway Visual Range RVR
10. Question No. 1 to 13
11. Question No. 14 to 24
12. Question No. 25 to 54
Test 10 : Visibility & Fog
Quiz- Visibility & Fog
Additional Que. - Visibility & Fog
1. QnA (Q1 to Q6).
2. QnA (Q7 to Q10)
3. QnA (Q11 to Q15)
15. Air Masses and Fronts
1. Introduction
2. Classification of Air Mass
3. Fronts Terminologies
4. Main global fronts, Arctic fronts, Polar fronts and Mediterranean front
5. Main global fronts – ITCZ – Inter Tropical Convergence Zone
6. Types of fronts & warm fronts
7. Types of fronts – cold fronts
8. Types of fronts – Occluded fronts
9. Warm occlusion
10. Cold occlusion
11. Types of fronts – quasi stationary front
12. Polar front & polar front depression
13. Weather associated with polar front depression
14. Question No. 1 to 4
15. Question No. 5 to 13
16. Question No. 14 to 19
17. Question No. 20 to 28
18. Question No. 29 to 36
19. Question No. 37 to 51
20. Question No. 52 to 81
Test 11 : Air Masses & Fronts
Test – 11 Air Masses & Fronts
1. Wake Turbulence
2. Factors affecting Wake Turbulence
16. Weather Reports
1. Introduction
2. METAR & ATIS Introduction
3. TAF Introduction
4. METAR Decoding
5. METAR Wind
6. METAR Visibility
7. METAR weather
8. METAR clouds
9. METAR -temperature, dew point, QNH & Trend forecast
10. METAR – Landing forecast or trend forecast
11. METAR – codes and meaning
12. SPECI – Wind & Visibility
13. SPECI – clouds & weather
15. TAF – decoding
18. TAF – PROB & amendment
19. SIGMET, airfeild warning, VOLMET, AIREP, WAFS
20. Question No. 1 to 16
21. Question No. 17 to 37
22. Question No. 38 to 57
23. QnA (Q1 to Q5)
24. QnA (Q7 to Q10)
25. QnA (Q11 to Q13)
26. QnA (Q14 to Q19).
27. QnA (Q20 to Q25)
28. QnA (Q26 to Q30)
29. QnA (Q31 and Q32)
30. QnA (Q33 and Q35).
31. QnA (Q36 to Q42).
32. QnA (Q43 to Q48)
33. QnA (Q49 to Q55)
34. QnA (Q56 to Q60).
35. QnA (61 to Q70)
Test 12 : Weather Reports
Quiz – Weather Reports
17. Indian Climatology
1. Introduction
2. Pre-monsoon season- Summer- Aandhi
3. Pre-monsoon season- Summer- Norwester
4. Pre-monsoon season- Summer- Wind pattern
5. Pre-monsoon season- Summer- TRS and Recap
6. South West Monsoon- Rainy season- ITCZ
7. South West Monsoon- Rainy season- Monsoon currents
8. South West Monsoon- Rainy season- Break Monsoon condition
9. Post Monsoon season
10. North-East Monsoon- Winter Season
11. Question No. 1 to 15
12. Question No. 16 to 32
Test 13 : Indian Climatology
Quiz – Indian Climatology
18. Station Model
1. Introduction
2. VV- Visibility, TT- Dry Bulb temperature
3. WW- Present Weather, Td Td- Dew Point Temperature
4. WW- Weather
5. CH, CM and CL- High, Medium and Low Cloud
6. Nh- Amount of Low clouds, N- Amount of Clouds
8. PPP- MSL Pressure (QFF), P24 P24, W, RRR
9. Questions
19. Meteorological Services & World Area Forecast System (WAFS)
Meteorological Services & WAFS
DGCA Sample Paper
OLODE November 2022
OLODE 18th Dec 2022
DGCA Sample Paper – CPL Meteorology
OLODE- April 23 Met Paper
August Metrology 2023 OLODE Attempt Questions
September 23
OLODE September 23
OLODE October 2023
Met MAY OLODE 30-05-2024
Meteorology- April- 2024
OLODE Aug 2024
Meteorology Question Bank
Quiz : 1
Quiz : 2
Quiz : 3
Quiz : 4
Quiz : 5
Quiz : 6
Quiz : 7
Quiz : 8
Quiz : 9
Quiz : 10
Quiz : 11
Quiz : 12
Quiz : 13
Quiz : 14
Quiz : 15
Quiz : 16
Quiz : 18
Quiz : 19
Quiz : 20
Quiz : 21
Quiz : 22
Question Paper
Met Dec 2023 regular attempt
Dec – 2023
Meteorology OD 03 April 2024
*Meteorology Extended Questions*
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