Technical General - CPL
Most elaborate course for DGCA : TECHNICAL GENERAL Exam This course is designed for your success in DGCA Exams. Enroll now to be certain about your success.
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Taught to you directly by Capt. Naha Thakare…
Detailed online ON DEMAND course including the following..
a. Basic Aerodynamics
b. Jet Engines
c. Piston Engines
d. Aircraft Systems
e. Electrics - Question Banks, Practice Questions & Most asked questions in DGCA Exams.
- A complete understanding of concepts.
- Computer Number Assistance & Class 2, Class 1 Medical Guidance (if required)
- Capt. Neha Thakare as your mentor for your pilot career.
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Course curriculum
1. Introduction to Technical General
We’re excited to present you the all new course for your success in the DGCA Exams : Technical General
2. Basic Aerodynamics | Principles of Flight
Introduction to Aerodynamics
Forces on an Aeroplane
Definitions | What is called what!!!!!
Definitions 2 | “yep, those are important” DGCA said so..
Terminologies | “so that you can talk like a pilot” 👩🏻✈️🧑🏻✈️
Terminologies 2
Terminologies 3
Terminologies 4
Terminologies 5
Atmosphere & Dynamic Pressure
Effects of Temperature & Density
Relative Density, MEA
Types & Relation between Airspeeds : IAS CAS
V Speeds & Mach Number
Principle of Continuity
Bernoulli’s Theorem
Streamline & Stream Tube
Questions 1 to 18
Questions 19 to 26
Questions 27 to 33
Questions 34 to 40
Questions 41 to 48
Questions 49 to 57
Test 1: Basic Aerodynamics
Basic Aerodynamics
3. Lift (Subsonic Airflow) | Principles of Flight
1. Aerofoil Terminologies- 1
2. Aerofoil Terminologies- 2
3. Angle of attack and Relative Airflow
4. Definitions
5. Two Dimensional Airflow- Influence of Dynamic Pressure
6. Two Dimensional Airflow- Stagnation Point and Form Drag
7. Two Dimensional Airflow- Angle of Attack- from -4° to 8°
8. Two Dimensional Airflow- Angle of Attack- from 12° to 16°
9. Pressure Gradient and CP- Centre of Pressure
10. AC- Aerodynamic Centre and Pitching Moment
11. Factors affecting Lift- CL
12. Factors affecting Lift- Q and S
13. Facts regarding Lift production
14. Effect of Density on Lift and IAS-TAS relationship
15. IAS- TAS relationship
16. Angle of attack and Speed relationship
17. The interpretation of Lift Curve
18. Example to illustrate CL versus AOA and IAS relationship
19. Example to illustrate CL versus AOA and IAS relationship
20. Aerofoil section Lift characteristics
21. Flight at High Lift conditions
22. Introduction to Drag
23. Lift-Drag Ratio
24. L-D Max and Effect of Weight on VS
25. Effect of Surface condition on CL Max
26. 3D Airflow
27. Terminologies 1- 3D airflow
28. Terminologies-2- 3D airflow
29. Wing tip vortices
30. Induced downwash
31. Wake Turbulence
32. Factors affecting Wake Turbulence
33. Ground effect
34. Entering Ground effect
35. Leaving Ground Effect
36. Questions- 1 to 11
37. Questions 12 to 18
38. Questions 19 to 24
39. Questions 25 to 33
40. Questions 34 to 38
41. Questions 39 to 49
42. Questions 50 to 56
Test 2 : Lift
4. Drag | Principles of Flight
1. Introduction
2. Parasite Drag- DP- Skin Friction Drag
3. Form Drag or Pressure drag
4. Streamlining, Finess Ratio and Interference Drag
5. Factors affecting Parasite Drag
6. Effect of Lift on DP
7. Induced Drag
8. Factors affecting Induced Drag
9. Aspect Ratio and Effect of AR
10. Factors affecting Di
11. Methods to reduce Di
12. Total Drag
13. Factors affecting Total Drag
14. Speed Stability- Speed Stable
15. Speed stability- Speed Unstable and Neutral IAS
16. Power Required and VMP
17. Questions 1 to 11
18. Questions 12 to 23
19. Questions 24 to 32
Que No. 25: Solution
Test 3 : Drag
5. Stall | Principles of Flight
1. Introduction to Stalling.
2. Causes of The Stall.
3. Stall Recovery.
4. Aicraft behaviour close to the Stall, use of flight controls close to the stall & Stall Recognition.
5. Stall Speed.
6. Stall Warning
7. Artificial Stall Warning Devices.
8. Introduction to Factors affecting Stall Speed.
9. 1 g Stall Speed
10. Wing Design Characteristics and the Effect of Aerofoil Section
11. The Effect of Wing PLan Form- A) The Rectangular Wing.
12. The Effect of Wing Plan Form- B) The Tapered Wing
13. The Effect of Wing Plan Form- C) The Sweepback Wing.
14. Super Stall (Deep Stall).
15. A) Effect of Weight Change on Stall Speed & Lift increase in a level turn
16. B) Effect of Load Factor on Stall Speed.
17. C) Effect of High Lift Devices on Stall Speed
18. D) Effect of CG position on Stall speed
19. E) Effect of Landing Gear on the Stall Speed.
20. F) Effect of Engine Power on Stall Speed.
21. G) Effect of Mach Number (Compressibility) on Stall Speed
22. H) Effect of Wing Contamination on Stall Speed
23. Spinning and Primary Causes of a spin.
24. Phases of a Spin.
25. Spin Recovery.
26. QnA Part-1 (Q1 to Q7).
27. QnA Part-2 (Q8 to Q15)
28. QnA Part-3 (Q16 to Q22)
29. QnA Part-4 (Q23 to Q30).
30. QnA Part-4 (Q31 to Q34).
31. QnA Part-4 (Q35 to Q37)
Test : 4 Stall
Stall – 1
Stall – 2
6. High Lift Devices (like flaps & slats) | Principles of Flight
1. Why do we need High Lift Devices
2. Flaps-Slats- Secondary Flight Controls
3. Types of Trailing edge Flaps- Plain and Split flaps
4. Types of Flaps- Slotted and Fowler flaps
5. Comparison of Trailing edge flaps and CL-CD
6. Effect of Flaps on L-D Ratio
7. Effect of Flaps on Pitching Moment
8. CL max and Stalling angle
9. Leading edge high Lift devices- Leading edge Flaps
10. Leading edge High lift devices- Leading edge Slats-Slots
11. Automatic Slots and Drawbacks of the Slot
12. Disadvantages of Slats
13. Asymmetry of high lift devices
14. Aircraft Attitude with Flaps lowered
15. Sequence of Operation and Flap Load Relief system
16. Choice of Flap setting for Take-off, Climb and Landing
17. Management of High Lift Devices- Flap Retraction
18. Management of High Lift Devices- Flap Extension
19. Questions 1 to 6
20. Question 7 to 15
Test : 5 High Lift Devices
High Lift Devices
7. Stability & Controllability | Principles of Flight
1. Introduction
2. Types of Stability and State of Equilibrium
3. Static Stability- Positive, Neutral and Negative
4. Airplane Reference Axes and Moments
5. Longitudinal Stability- Static Longitudinal Stability
6. Longitudinal Stability- Aerodynamic Centre
7. Longitudinal Stability- Wing alone is Unstable
8. Longitudinal Stability- Tailplane Moment
9. Longitudinal Stability- AFT CG Limit
10. Longitudinal Stability- FWD CG Limit
11. Longitudinal Stability- Neutral Point
12. Graphic presentation of Static Longitudinal Stability- 1
13. Graphic presentation of Static Longitudinal Stability- 2
14. Longitudinal Stability- Contribution of component surfaces
15. Longitudinal Stability- Effectiveness of Tailplane
16. Longitudinal Stability- Power-off Stability and Effect of CG
17. Longitudinal Stability- Effect of Power and High Lift Devices
18. Longitudinal Stability- Control Force stability
19. Longitudinal Stability- Effect of Trim Tab setting
20. Longitudinal Stability- Stick Force Stability- Instability
21. Longitudinal Stability- Manoeuver Stability
22. Longitudinal Stability- Stick force per ‘g’
23. Longitudinal Stability- Stick Centring Spring, Downspring, Bob Weight
24. Longitudinal Stability- Take off Control Requirement
25. Longitudinal Stability- Landing Control Requirement
26. Longitudinal Stability- Longitudinal Dynamic Stability- Non-Cyclic
27. Longitudinal Stability- Longitudinal Dynamic Stability- Cyclic
28. Longitudinal Stability- Long Period Oscillations- PHUGOID
29. Longitudinal Stability- Short Period Oscillations
30. Directional Stability- Weathercock Stability
31. Directional Stability- Sideslip and Static Directional Stability
32. Directional Stability- Contribution of the Airplane Components- Wing
33. Directional Stability- Contribution of the Airplane Components- Dorsal and Ventral Fin
34. Directional Stability- Contribution of the Airplane Components- FIN
35. Directional Stability- Factors affecting Static Directional Stability
36. Lateral Stability- Introduction
37. Lateral Stability- Static Lateral Stability
38. Lateral Stability- Contribution of Airplane Components- Wing and Geometric Dihedral
39. Lateral Stability- Contribution of Airplane Components-Wing Position
40. Lateral Stability- Contribution of Airplane Components- Sweepback, Fin and Flaps
41. Lateral Stability- Lateral Dynamic effects
42. Mach Trim
43. Question No. 1 to 14
44. Question No. 15 to 23
45. Question No. 24 to 31
Test : 6 Stability & Controllability
Stability & Controllability (I)
Stability & Controllability (II)
8. Flight Controls (like Elevators, Ailerons, Rudder etc.) | Principles of Flight
1. What are the Flight Controls
2. How does a Pilot 👩🏻✈️👨🏻✈️ Control the aircraft? 🤔 – 1
3. How does a Pilot 👩🏻✈️👨🏻✈️ Control the aircraft? 🤔 – 2
4. Combined Control surfaces
5. Methods to Control the Aircraft- 1
6. Methods to Control the Aircraft- 2
7. Hinge moment
8. Control Balancing- 1
9. Control Balancing- 2
10. Control Balancing- 3
11. Hydraulic Powered Flying Controls
12. Q feel- Artificial Feel
13. Fly by Wire – Airbus
14. Mass Balance
15. Longitudinal Control- 1
16. Longitudinal Control- 2
17. Lateral Control- 1
18. Lateral Control- Aerodynamic Damping
19. Lateral Control- Adverse Aileron Yaw- 1
20. Lateral Control- Adverse Aileron Yaw- 2
21. Lateral Control- Adverse Aileron Yaw- 3
22. Lateral Control- Inboard Ailerons
23. Lateral Control- Flaprons
24. Lateral Control- Speed Brakes
25. Directional Control- 1
26. Directional Control- 2
27. Directional Control- Asymmetric Thrust
28. Directional Control- Rudder Ratio Changer
29. Secondary Effects of Controls
30. Trimming-2
31. Trimming – 2
32. Trimming- Methods of Trimming- 1
33. Trimming- Methods of Trimming- 2
34. Question No. 1 to 10
35. Question No. 11 to 16
36. Question No. 17 to 22
37. Question No. 23 to 32
38. Question No. 33 to 44
Test 7: Flight Controls
Flight Controls: 1
9. Flight Mechanics | Principles of Flight
1. Introduction
2. Straight and Level flight
3. Steady Climb- 1
4. Steady Climb- 2
5. Climb angle and Factors affecting Climb angle
6. Descent- Power on Descent
7. Descent- Emergency Descent- 1
8. Descent- Emergency Descent- 2
9. Descent- Glide- 1
10. Descent- Glide- 2
11. Turning- 1
12. Turning- Radius and Rate of turn
13. Load Factor and Limitations on Turning
14. Flight with Asymmetric Thrust- 1
15. Flight with Asymmetric Thrust- 2
16. Critical Engine
17. Flight with Asymmetric Thrust- Balancing the Yawing moments
18. Air Minimum Control Speed- VMCA
19. VMCG and VMCL
20. Performance with one engine Inoperative- VXSE and VYSE
21. Question No. 1 to 6
22. Question No. 7 to 12
23. Questions 13 to 21
24. Questions 22 to 28
25. Questions 29 to 36
Test 8 : Flight Mechanics
Flight Mechanics : 1
Flight Mechanics : 2
Flight Mechanics : 3
10. High Speed Flight | Principles of Flight
Zoom Session
Test 9 : High Speed Flight
High Speed Flight – 1
High Speed Flight – 2
Zoom Live Session
1. Introduction to Windshear
2. Microburst.
3. Windshear Encounter during Approach.
4. Indications and Actions to perform in case of Windshear.
5. Effects of Windshear.
6. QnA Part-1 (Q1 to Q10)
7. QnA Part-2 (Q11 to Q17)
11. Propeller | Principles of Flight
1. Introduction to Propellers and Definitions
2. Blade Angle or Pitch Angle
3. Geometric Pitch and Propeller Slip
4. Helix Angle And Angle of Attack
5. Centrifugal and Aerodynamic Twisting Moment, Propeller Effiiciency and Variation due to Speed
6. Variable Pitch Propellers
7. Constant Speed Propeller (Part 1)
8. Constant Pitch Propeller (Part 2)
9. Windmilling and Feathering
10. Power Absorption and Solidity
11. Moments and Forces generated by a propeller and Torque Reaction
12. Spiral Slipstream and Assymmetric Blade Effect
13. Gyroscopic Effect
14. Effect of Atmospheric Conditions
15. QnA (Part 1).
16. QnA (Part 2)
Test 10 : Propeller | Principles of Flight
Principles of Flight Quiz
Principles of Flight Quiz – I
Principles of Flight Quiz – II
Principles of Flight Quiz – III
12. Introduction | Jet Engines
1. Introduction
2. The History of Gas turbine engine
3. Principle of Gas Turbine engines
4. Working Cycle of Gas Turbine Engine
5. P-V diagram of Working cycle of Gas Turbine engine- 1
6. Constant Pressure Combustion
7. Temperature limit of the engine
8. Gas Laws- Boyles Law, Charles Law and Combined Gas law
9. P-V-T changes along Jet core- 1
10. P-V-T changes along Jet core- 2
11. P-V-T changes along Jet core- 3
12. P-V-T changes along Jet core- 4
13. Duct Design
14. Airflow through a Pure Turbo Jet
15. Airflow through a Turbo-Prop engine
16. Airflow through a Turbo- Shaft engine
17. Airflow through a Low Ratio By-pass engine
18. N1- N2- Engine Nomenclature
19. Airflow through a High Ratio By-pass engine
20. Propulsive Efficiency and Modular Construction methods
21. Questions 1 to 11
22. Question 12 to 20
Test 11 : Introduction | Jet Engines
Introduction | Jet Engines
13. Compressor (Air Inlets) | Jet Engines
1. What’s Air Inlets
2. Ram Recovery Pressure
3. Supersonic Intakes- C & D intakes
4. Operational Considerations- Take off
5. Operational Considerations- Icing and Damage
6. Operational Considerations- FOD and In flight turbulence
7. Operational Considerations- Ground Operations
8. Types of Compressors
9. Centrifugal flow Compressor
10. Axial flow Compressor
11. What’s a Compressor stall and Surge- ????????
12. Airflow Control
13. Causes of Compressor Stall- 1
14. Causes of Compressor Stall- 2
15. Engine Surge
16. Methods to overcome Compressor Stall-Surge- 1
17. Methods to overcome Compressor Stall-Surge- 2
18. Compressor- Construction
19. Compressor- Construction- 2
20. Compressor and turbine contamination
21. Questions 1 to 7
22. Questions 8 to 16
23. Questions 17 to 27
24. Questions 28 to 38
25. Questions 39 to 50
Test 12 : Compressor (Air Inlets) | Jet Engines
Compressor (Air Inlets) | Jet Engines
14. Combustion Chamber | Jet Engines
1. Function of Combustion Chamber
2. Flame rate of Kerosene
3. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary air
4. Combustion chamber components- 1
5. Combustion chamber components- 2
6. Multiple Combustion chamber system
7. Tubo-Annular and Annular Combustion chamber system
8. Air – Fuel Mixture Ratio and Combustion stability
9. Relighting
10. Combustion efficiency and Fuel spray Nozzles
11. Questions 1 to 10
Test 13 : Combustion Chamber | Jet Engines
Combustion Chamber | Jet Engines
15. Turbine & Exhaust System | Jet Engines
1. Purpose of Turbine assembly
2. What’s ‘Creep’ in a Turbine Blade-
3. What’s Turbine composed of- ????
4. Turbine Stages
5. Free Turbine- Power Turbine
6. Multi Spool engines
7. Blade shape- Impulse and Reaction type
8. Turbine Blade fixing- Fir Tree fixing???? and Turbine efficiency
9. Temperature Measurement
10. The Exhaust System
11. What’s a ‘Choked Nozzle’
12. By Pass Engines- Low and High Ratio bypass
13. Noise Suppression
14. Questions 1 to 12
15. Questions 13 to 20
Test 14 : Turbine & Exhaust System | Jet Engines
Turbine & Exhaust System | Jet Engines
16. Thrust, Performance Augmentation & Reverse Thrust | Jet Engines
1. Engine Performance- Introduction
2. ESHP and SFC
3. Variation of Thrust with RPM
4. Variation of Thrust with Altitude
5. Variation of Thrust with Temperature and Aircraft Speed
6. Effect of Altitude, Aircraft speed on SHP
7. Thrust Augmentation- Water – Water-Methanol Injection
8. Thrust Augmentation- After Burners- Reheat
9. Why is Reverse Thrust used
10. Types of Reverse Thrust
11. Indication and Safety system
12. Question No. 1 to 5
13. Question No. 6 to 14
14. Question No. 15 to 24
Test 15 : Thrust, Performance Augmentation & Reverse Thrust
Thrust, Performance Augmentation & Reverse Thrust
17. Engine Starting & Ignition | Jet Engines
1. HEIU- High Energy Ignition Unit
2. Working of HEIU- 1
3. Working of HEIU- 2
4. Requirements of Engine Starting system
5. Air and Electric Starter Motor
6. Normal Start Cycle- 1
7. Normal Start Cycle- 2
8. Blowout Cycle-Motoring over cycle-Dry Cranking
9. Engine Relight
10. Hot Start, Wet start, Hung Start
11. Questions 1 to 11
12. Questions 12 to 23
Test 16 : Engine Starting & Ignition
Engine Starting & Ignition
18. Fuel & Fuel Systems | Jet Engines
1. Introduction.
2. Gas Turbine Fuels- Jet A1 (AVTUR) ATF.
3. Gas Turbine Fuels- Jet A andd Jet B (AVTAG) ATG.
4. Fuel Colour and Cloudy Fuel.
5. Jet Fuel Additives
6. Water in the Fuel.
7. Fuel System (Part-1).
8. Fuel Systems (Part-2).
9. Fuel System (Part-3
10. QnA.
Test 17 : Fuel & Fuel Systems
Fuel & Fuel Systems
19. APU & Bleed Air | Jet Engines
1. APU-Auxiliary power unit
2. APU Operation in Flight
3. APU Control and Operation
4. Bleed Air- Introduction
5. Effects of bleed air usage
6. Turbine Blade Cooling- 1
7. Turbine Blade cooling- 2
8. Questions No. 1 to 7
9. Question No. 8 to 14
Test 18 : APU & Bleed Air
APU & Bleed Air
20. Gearbox & Accessory Drive | Jet Engines
1. Auxiliary Gearbox
2. Stub Shaft Drive
3. Idler Gear Drive
4. Spreading the Load and Shear Neck
5. Questions
Test 19 : Gearbox & Accessory Drive
Gearbox & Accessory Drive
Jet Engine - Quiz
Jet Engine – I
Jet Engine – II
21. Introduction | Piston Engines
1. Introduction to Technical general and Piston Engine
2. Principle of Operation
3. Newton’s Laws
4. Gas Laws and Application of Combined gas law
5. Indicated Horse Power.
6. Engine Layout
7. Theoretical OTTO cycle part-1
8. Theoretical OTTO cycle part-2
9. Practical OTTO cycle part-1
10. Practical OTTO cycle part-2
11. Specific Fuel Consumption and Engine Efficiencies.
12. Compression Ratio.
13. Crankcase and Crankshaft.
14. Firing Interval and Firing Order.
15. Connecting Rod and Cylinder Barrel or Block.
16. Cylinder Head and Valves.
17. Diesel Engine- Compression Ignitio
18. The Carburetor and the accessory housing or wheel-case.
19. QnA (1 to 15).
20. QnA (16 to 27).
21. QnA (28 to 36).
22. QnA (37 to 45)
23. QnA (46 to 55).
22. Lubrication and Cooling | Piston Engines
1. Introduction to Lubrication and cooling.
2. Wet Sump Lubricating System
3. Dry Sump Lubrication (Part-1).
4. Dry Sump Lubrication (Part-2)
5. Dry Sump Lubrication (Part-3)
6. Lubrication Monitoring Instruments
7. Viscosity Grade Numbering
8. Operational Considerations
9. Cooling, Types of Cooling and Liquid Cooling
10. Air Cooling.
11. Operational Procedures.
12. QnA.
Test 20 : Lubrication and Cooling | Piston Engines
23. Ignition | Piston Engines
1. Introduction and Magneto
2. Capacitor, Ignition Switch and Magneto Checks
3. Auxiliary Starting Devices.
4. QnA
Fuel | Piston Engines
1. Types of Fuel, Manufacturing Specifications and Grades
2. Calorific Value and Volatality
3. High Volatality, Stability and Combustion Process.
4. Flame Rate
5. Variable Ignition Timing, Anti-Detonation Properties and Detonation (Knocking).
6. Effects and Causes of Detonation-
7. The recognition and prevention of detonation and th Fuel Quality Control.
8. Fuel Additives, Pre-Ignition and Thermal Efficiency.
9. QnA.
Fuel Air Mixture | Piston Engines
1. Introduction to Mixture, Chemically Correct Ratio and Drawbacks of Lean Mixture.
2. The Practical Mixture, Problems caused by Weak Mixtures and Overheating.
3. Slow Running and Starting, Take Off Power and Cruise Power.
4. Climbing Power and the Exhaust Gas Temperature Gauge
5. QnA.
Test 21 : Ignition & Fuel, Air Mixture | Piston Engines
Fuel & Mixture – Piston Engine
24. Carburettor, Engine Icing & Fuel Injection | Piston Engines
1. Introduction
2. Basic Requirements of a Carbeuretor.
3. The Float Chamber Carburettor
4. U Tube Principle & Venturi Principle
5. Mixture Control and Priming
6. Introduction to Icing
7. Types of Icing.
8. Icing Suspection
9. Engine Consideration and Operational Procedures (Part 1)
10. Operational Procedures (Part 2)
11. Fuel Injection System and its components
12. QnA (Part 1).
13. QnA (Part 2)
14. QnA (Part 3)
Test 22 : Carburettor, Engine Icing & Fuel Injection | Piston Engines
Carburettor – Piston Engine
25. Performance & Power Augmentation | Piston Engines
1. Introduction to performance and Power Augmentation, Superchargers and Turbochargers.
2. Centrifugal Compressors
3. Manifold Pressure, Boost Pressure and Manifold Absolute Pressure.
4. Externally Driven Superchargers (Turbo-Chargers).
5. The Waste Gate.
6. Absolute Pressure Controller and Waste Gate Position
7. Position of Waste Gate
8. Internally Driven Superchargers.
9. Supercharger Controls
10. Summary of Supercharger and Turbocharger.
11. QnA Part-1 (Q1 to Q10).
12. QnA Part-2 (Q11 to Q20)
13. QnA Part-3 (Q21 to Q30)
14. QnA Part-4 (Q31 to Q40)
15. QnA Part-5 (Q41 to Q50)
16. QnA Part-6 (Q51 to Q62).
Test 23 : Performance & Power Augmentation | Piston Engines
Power Augmentation – Piston Engine
26. Propellers | Piston Engines
Power Augmentation – Piston Engine
Piston Engine Quiz
Piston Engine – I
Piston Engine – II
27. Fuselage, Wings & Stabilising Surfaces | Aircraft Systems
Aircraft system Introduction
1. Stresses applied to Aircraft structure
2. Combination Loading, Stress and Strain
3. DLL- Design Limit Load and DUL- Design Ultimate Load
4. Safe life
5. Fail Safe and Damage Tolerant Structure
6. Fatigue and Station Numbers
7. Fuselage Construction – 1
8. Fuselage Construction – Truss, Monocoque
9. Fuselage Construction – Semi-Monocoque
10. Flight Deck windows and Passenger Windows
11. What’s Main-Plane structure
12. Wing- 2 – Cantilever Monoplane
13. Wing- 3
14. Stabilising Surfaces and Control surface flutter
15. Question No. 1 to 10
16. Question No. 11 to 20
Test 24 : Fuselage, Wings & Stabilising Surfaces
Fuselage, Wings & Stabilising Surfaces
28. Basic Hydraulics | Aircraft Systems
1. Introduction and Pascal’s Law
2. Bramah’s Press
3. Equation of Work Done.
4. Hydraulic Fluids and Pipelines.
5. Seals and O rings.
6. Properties of Ideal Hydraulic Fluid
7. Basic Hydraulic System.
8. Open-Centre System
9. Closed System
10. Reservoirs.
11. Filters
12. Pumps.
13. Automatic Cut Iut Valves (ACOV).
14. Hydraulic Accumulators.
15. Hydraulic Jack (Actuators).
16. Hydraulic Locks and Motors, and Pressure Control
17. Usage of Relief Valves.
18. Flow Control, Modulators and Flow Control Valves
19. Fuses and Instrumentation.
20. QnA Part-1 (Q1 to Q11)
21. QnA Part-2 (Q12 to Q25)
22. QnA Part-3 (Q26 to Q42)
23. QnA Part-4 (Q43 to Q50)
Test 25 : Basic Hydraulics
Basic Hydraulics
29. Aircraft Wheels, Tyres & Brakes | Aircraft Systems
1. Introduction.
2. Prevention Of Creep, Inner tubes and Inflation Valve
3. Tubeless Tyres, Wheels for tubeless tyres & Colour codings of fuseable plugs.
4. Aircraft Tyres and Tyre Pressure.
5. Creep and Correct Tyre Pressure.
6. Aquaplaning, Tyre Damage & Tyre wear
7. Aircraft Brakes.
8. Plate or Disc brakes
9. Brake Release & Break wear
10. Brake System Operation & Brake Modulating Systems
11. Mechanical and Electronic Anti-Skid Systems
12. Touch down protection, Skid prevention and Locked wheel Protection
13. Typical Aircraft Wheel Brake System and Anti-Skid Protection
14. Auto Brakes, Manual Brakes & Brake Kinetic Energy Graph
15. Brake Temperature Indicators, Wind Growth
16. QnA (Part 1)
17. QnA (Part 2).
30. Landing Gear | Aircraft Systems
Landing Gear
Test 26 : Landing Gear | Aircraft Systems
Landing Gear
31. Flight Control Systems (Powered flight control systems such as fly by wire) | Aircraft Systems
32. Air Conditioning |& Pressurisation I Aircraft Systems
1. Requirement of Air Conditioning
2. Requirement of Pressurisation
3. Uses of Engine Bleed- 1
4. Uses of Engine Bleed- 2- Air Conditioning
5. Engine Bleed- 3
6. Engine Bleed- 4
7. ACS- Non Pressurised flight
8. ACS- Combustion heater
9. ACS- Pressurised Flight- Cabin Supercharger
10. ACS- Engine bleed air system
11. ACS- Engine bleed- Bootstrap- 1
12. ACS- Engine bleed- Bootstrap- 2
13. ACS- Engine bleed- Brake turbine and Fan turbine
14. Water Separator and Humidifier
15. Temperature Control
16. Recirculation Fans
17. Pressurisation- Introduction
18. Pressurised Areas
19. System Controls- 1
20. System Control- 2
21. System Operation- 1
22. System Operation- 2
23. System Instrumentation
24. Questions 1 to 7
25. Questions 8 to 21
26. Questions 22 to 30
27. Questions 31 to 41
28. Questions 42 to End
Test 27: Air Conditioning & Pressurisation
Air Conditioning & Pressurisation
33. Ice & Rain Protection (Airframe Contamination) | Aircraft Systems
L1 – (Introduction)
L2 – (Types of Airframe icing)
L3 – (Effect of icing- 1)
L4 – (Effect of Icing- 2)
L5 – (Ice detection systems)
L6 – (Ice protection system)
L7 – (Beta particle Ice detection probe)
L8 – (Ice Protection system- Types)
L9 – (Mechanical De-Icing)
L10 – (Thermal Anti-Icing and De-Icing)
L11 – (Thermal Anti icing- Air heating)
L12 – (Thermal Anti icing- Electrical Heating and Fluid System)
L13 – (Windscreen Protection)
L14 – (Propeller Protection).
L15- Question Paper 1 (QnA Part-1)
L16- Question Paper 2 (QnA Part-2)
Test 28 : Ice & Rain Protection
Ice & Rain Protection
35. Smoke, Fire Detection & Protection | Aircraft Systems
1. Introduction
2. Light Detection System
3. Ionisation
4. Advantages & Disadvantages of Optical & Ionisation
5. Cargo Smoke Detection.
6. Smoke Hoods.
7. Fire Detection & Protection
8. Fire Test & Fire Warning Indication-Drills.
9. Introduction to Fire Protection.
10. Auxiliary Power Unit Protection
11. Toilet Fire System
12. Fire Extinguishant
13. Water Glycol & Dry chemical.
14. Ground Use Extinguishers, Carbon Dioxide, etc.
15. Hand Held Extinguishers.
16. Fire System and Compartments.
34. Emergency Equipment & Aircraft Oxygen Equipment | Aircraft Systems
Zoom Session – Emergency Equipment & Aircraft Oxygen Equipment
Test 29 : Emergency Equipment (Aircraft Oxygen Equipment)
I. Emergency Equipment (Aircraft Oxygen Equipment)
II. Emergency Equipment (Aircraft Oxygen Equipment)
36. Aircraft Fuel Systems (Storage, Supply, Transfer etc.) | Aircraft Systems
1. Introduction to Aircraft Storage System and Integral tanks_1.
2. Rigid, Flexible and Vent Tanks.
3. A simple, Light Aircraft fuel system
4. Multi Engine Aircraft System.
5. Twin Engine Fuel System
6. Fuel Jettison or Dump
7. Fuel Quantity Measurement.
8. Fuel System Intrumentation.
Test 30 : Aircraft Fuel Systems
Aircraft Fuel Systems
Aircraft System - Quiz
Aircraft System Quiz – I
Aircraft System Quiz – II
Aircraft System Quiz – III
37. DC Electrics | Electrical Systems
1. Introduction
2. Forces which causes electrons to flow
3. Electro Motive Force (EMF)
4. Current.
5. Resistance and Ohm’s Law
6. Power
7. Series and Parallel Circuits.
8. Circuit Protection Devices.
9. Capacitors and Capacitance.
10. Introduction to Batteries and Primary Cell.
11. Secondary Cells and Cells in Parallel & Series.
12. Lead-Acid Battery.
13. Alkaline Battery -Nickel Cadmium, Ni-Cad.
14. Introduction to Magnetism and Molecular structure.
15. Magnetic Effect of a Current and Solenoid.
16. Introduction to Aircraft Electricsl Power systems and Rectifiers
17. Battery and Bus-Bar System.
Test : Circuit Protection and Capacitors| Electrical Systems
Circuit Protection and Capacitors
Test : DC Electrics Basic Principles | DC Electrics
DC Electrics Basic Principles
Test : Batteries | DC Electrics
Test : Magnetism | DC Electrics
Test : Generators and Alternators | DC Electrics
Test : Generators and Alternators
Test : DC Motors | DC Electrics
DC Motors
Test : Bonding and Screening | Electrical Systems
Bonding and Screening
Test : Aircraft Electrical Power Systems | DC Electrics
Aircraft Electrical Power Systems
Test : DC Electrics
DC Electrics
Test : Specimen Questions | DC Electrics
Specimen Questions |
May 2023 OLODE Technical
DGCA Sample Paper
DGCA Sample Paper – Technical General
Important DGCA Sample Test Paper
Quiz – 1
Quiz – 2
Quiz – 3
DGCA Sample Paper
OLODE- Feb 23
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Septemeber 2023
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Technical specific – Cessna 152 DGCA sample question paper Septermber 2024
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